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Location: Caterham Valley Medical Practice

Contract Type: Permanent

Closing Date: 07 May 2024


North Tandridge Primary Care Network (PCN) have an exciting opportunity to expand its Pharmacist Workforce, including 8 Clinical Pharmacists and 2 Pharmacy Technicians, and build on the existing team as they continue to recognise the value the additional roles bring to our practices and patients. Our aim is to provide exemplary patient care and find innovative solutions in general practice to deliver the best care we can for our patients. You will be joining an enthusiastic team of clinicians and administrators. The role will contribute to improving the quality of care of our patients.

Our PCN comprises of 5 Practices covering the North Tandridge area. The Practices (Whyteleafe Surgery, Chaldon Road Surgery, Warlingham Green Medical Practice, Elizabeth House Medical Practice and Caterham Valley Medical Practice) have a combined population of 36,000 patients. There is a wide socio-economic and demographic served within this area which will provide an interesting varied case mix.

Within our PCN, we have a number of innovative services that we have implemented to identify new approaches in delivering care and improve the health and wellbeing of our population including an Anticipatory Care Hub, Children and Young Persons Wellbeing Service, GP Integrated Mental Health Service, BP@Home and Enhanced Access.

Location: Cuckfield Medical Centre and The Vale

Contract Type: Permanent

Closing Date: 06 May 2024


This is an exciting opportunity for the successful candidate to join the Haywards Heath Villages Primary Care Network (PCN) team in supporting a wide range of patients of all ages.This post is part of the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme for Primary Care Networks funded by NHS England and includes funded access to the Clinical Pharmacist Training Pathway for any further modules required to complete the pathway.

The successful candidate will be based mostly at one practice site but there will be an expectation that cross-cover be provided to all four network practices as needed.