Biodynamic Farmer and Land Manager

Location: Campws Ty'r Eithin

Contract Type: Permanent Full Time

Closing Date: 27 October 2024

Salary: Salary Range (FTE) £34,721 - £39,284 per annum subject to qualifications and experience

Specific Hours: Full time

Biodynamic Farmer and Land Manager

Based in Carmarthenshire

Job Advert

Job Description

Disgrifiad Swydd

Colleague Benefits

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Biodynamic Farmer and Land Manager

Salary Range (FTE) £34,721 - £39,284 per annum subject to qualifications and experience

Coleg Plas Dwbl are advertising a Biodynamic Farmer and Land Manager role at our Ty’r Eithin site near Swansea in South Carmarthen.

The Ty’r Eithin is a multi-purpose site that provides outdoor education for SEN students from Coleg Plas Dwbl, grows vegetables, fruit and salad and farms livestock using biodynamic methods. The produce is used in Ruskin Mill Trust kitchens and residential houses.

As well as managing the livestock and land the role will include leading a small land team of land workers, supporting BD trainees and volunteers as required, building on the good links already forged with the community.

For your application to be successful, it is essential that you have had experience of animal husbandry to at least a small holding level. Our ideal candidate would also be a recognised Biodynamic practitioner with a teaching qualification, however, on appointment, we are able to put in place a training programme to support your professional development. A requirement of the role would be completing the Trust’s training programme in Biodynamic agriculture if you are not already trained.

The role will involve working with young people who present behaviour that can challenge us. It is important of any application that we understand your past experience of working with special educational needs and challenging behaviour.

In order to ensure sufficient care of the animals you will be expected to relocate within 5 minutes’ drive of the Ty’r Eithin site and you will be provided with accommodation with the expectation that you will feed the animals at the weekends. You must also accept that animals you raise may be sent to slaughter so the meat can be sold and that you will be expected to use Biodynamic preparations that use animal products.


Ffermwr a Rheolwr Tir Bioddeinamig

 Ystod Cyflog (CALl) £34,721 - £39,284 y flwyddyn yn amodol ar gymwysterau a phrofiad


Mae Coleg Plas Dwbl yn hysbysebu swydd Ffermwr a Rheolwr Tir Bioddeinamig ar safle Tŷ’r Eithin ger Abertawe yn ne Sir Gaerfyrddin.

Safle amlbwrpas yw Tŷ’r Eithin sy’n darparu addysg awyr agored ar gyfer myfyrwyr AAA o Goleg Plas Dwbl, gan dyfu llysiau, ffrwythau a salad, a magu da byw trwy ddulliau bioddeinamig. Defnyddir y cynnyrch yng ngheginau a thai preswyl Ymddiriedolaeth Ruskin Mill.

Yn ogystal â rheoli’r tir a’r da byw, bydd y rôl yn cynnwys arwain tîm bach o weithwyr tir, cefnogi hyfforddeion a gwirfoddolwyr bioddeinameg yn ôl y galw, ac adeiladu ar y cysylltiadau da sydd eisoes wedi’u ffurfio â’r gymuned.

I wneud cais llwyddiannus, mae profiad o hwsmonaeth anifeiliaid ar lefel tyddyn o leiaf yn hanfodol. Byddai ein hymgeisydd delfrydol hefyd yn ymarferydd Bioddeinameg cydnabyddedig â chymhwyster addysgu, ond bydd modd i ni ddarparu rhaglen o hyfforddiant i gefnogi eich datblygiad proffesiynol yn dilyn y penodiad. Un o ofynion y rôl fydd cwblhau rhaglen hyfforddiant yr Ymddiriedolaeth mewn amaethyddiaeth fioddeinameg os nad ydych eisoes wedi’ch hyfforddi.

Bydd y rôl yn golygu gweithio gyda phobl ifanc ag ymddygiad heriol. Nodwedd bwysig unrhyw gais yw ein bod ni’n deall eich profiad o weithio gydag anghenion addysg arbennig ac ymddygiad heriol yn y gorffennol.

Er mwyn gofalu’n ddigonol am yr anifeiliaid, disgwylir i chi symud i fyw o fewn taith 5 munud mewn car i Dŷ’r Eithin a darperir llety ar eich cyfer gyda disgwyliad eich bod yn bwydo’r anifeiliaid ar y penwythnos. Rhaid i chi dderbyn hefyd y gall yr anifeiliaid y byddwch yn eu magu gael eu lladd er mwyn i’w cig gael ei werthu a bydd disgwyl i chi ddefnyddio paratoadau Bioddeinamig sy’n defnyddio cynnyrch anifeiliaid.

Please contact our Recruiter on 07813 234641 if you wish to arrange an informal chat about the role prior to application.

Please note in order to ensure sufficient care of the animals you will be expected to relocate within 5 minutes’ drive of the Ty’r Eithin site and you will be provided with accommodation with the expectation that you will feed the animals at the weekends.

Interviews will be in person on the site.


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